Get up-to-speed on the commercial aviation industry with the top stories of the week, including China Southern profits, Thai Airways’ A380 selloff, JetBlue in Amsterdam, and a trip report flying KLM from Amsterdam to Glasglow.
China Southern: Profits Up, A380 Out
China Southern Airlines (CZ) has posted modest profits for the first half of 2023. It has also removed the A380 from the fleet. Read more…
Thai Airways to Sell A380 Fleet
Thai Airways bids farewell to the A380 by offering the entire fleet for sale. Read more…
JetBlue Lands in Amsterdam
JetBlue has expanded its transatlantic route portfolio, launching New York-Amsterdam. Read more…
Can a Commercial Airliner Fly over a Hurricane?
Is it feasible for a commercial aircraft to fly over a hurricane while remaining out of the storm's path? Read more…

This Week in History
8/29/1970: The Iconic DC-10 Takes to the Skies
The iconic trijet DC-10 took to the skies for the first time in 1970. Read more…
Airways Top 10 Largest Passenger Aircraft
Airways ranks the top ten largest passenger planes still in service today. Read more…
In this new trip report, we fly from Amsterdam to Glasgow on board KLM's E190STD. Due to the airport's location, approaches in Glasgow can be windy. Check out the full flight experience here!
The Airways October Issue Is Here!
From the iconic Combis to the rare SP and beyond, BABAK TAGHVAEE presents the history of the Boeing 747 in the Iraqi Airways fleet in the October 2023 issue.
Buy or renew your Airways subscription and download our upcoming issue every first day of the month before anyone else! Our digital issue includes multimedia elements and interactive features, enhancing the overall reading experience.